The 100th Day Celebration: How Much to Spend on Gifts

By: Modern Asian Family
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Reading Time: 5 Minutes

how much to gift 100 days

In several Asian cultures, especially Korean and Chinese, families celebrate a baby’s 100th day of life. This important milestone originated centuries ago, when infant mortality rates began to fall after the first 100 days. Reaching 100 days came to symbolize strength, prosperity, and the baby successfully overcoming the fragile infant stage.

Today, while all parents look forward to their newborn getting to 100 days, this event is still commemorated with a special celebration party and gift giving in many families of Korean, Chinese, and other Asian descent. If you’ve been invited to a 100 day party, you may be wondering—how much should I plan to spend on a gift?

Is Money the Best Gift for 100 Day Celebrations?

Giving monetary gifts is very common for 100 day celebrations, especially among close family. There are benefits to gifting money:

  • Cash is universal and lets parents spend as needed – whether it’s buying necessities for baby, treating themselves to a dinner out, or putting it toward college savings.
  • For close relatives, $100 bills in a card are customary and easy.
  • Contributing any amount to the baby’s bank account, college fund, or savings bonds is always helpful for their future.
  • Money to cover services like housekeeping, meal delivery, or postpartum doulas to help overwhelmed parents.

However, money may not feel as thoughtful or personal. While practical, cash gifts can come across as impersonal if not paired with a heartfelt card or message. Parents will likely appreciate personalized keepsakes or items chosen specifically for their baby more than money alone.

If you want to give money, include a thoughtful note sharing why you chose that gift to honor their baby turning 100 days old and what their friendship means to you. Pair it with small mementos of the milestone like a photo frame or ornament. That way, your monetary gift still feels personal and full of meaning.

Ultimately, any gift given from the heart to celebrate the baby’s special day will mean a lot to parents, whether it’s money, a homemade blanket, or your presence at the party. Focus on sharing your care rather than the gift value.

How Much Should I Spend?

While there are no concrete rules or dollar amounts, a good general guideline is to spend around $100-$200 per invited family for 100 day gifts. This varies based on your relationship to the parents and baby. Very close family members and friends may choose to spend more lavishly, even up to $500, while more distant relatives, neighbors, or coworkers can feel comfortable spending less.

Ultimately, the monetary value of 100 day gifts is secondary to expressing congratulations, well-wishes, and appreciation to the parents for inviting you to celebrate their joy. Small, thoughtful gifts will be warmly received as long as they come from the heart. Parents understand guests have different budgets.

Gifting Recommendations for Family

If you’re a set of close grandparents, aunt/uncle, or godparent, spending around $200 per invited family member is an average amount for 100 day gifts. Giving $200 cash in a card is very common and practical for new parents. Or you may contribute $200 or more to the baby’s college fund or savings account.

Appropriate Gift Amounts for Other Guests

For other relatives, good friends, coworkers, or neighbors, anywhere from $30 up to $100 per invited family is perfectly fine. The new parents will mainly appreciate you taking the time to acknowledge their baby’s special milestone and join in the celebration, rather than stress over gift values.

Popular 100 Day Gift Ideas

Typical 100 day gifts often carry symbolic meaning, with many choices representing health, prosperity, luck, happiness, and a bright future for the honored baby. Here are some ideas:

  • Gold jewelry, like bracelets, rings, and necklaces. Gold represents wealth and good fortune.
  • Silver spoons or cups. Silver symbolizes strength and vitality.
  • Savings bonds or checks contributing to the baby’s future education costs.
  • Piggy banks or money boxes so parents can begin saving.

Gifts with Sentimental Value

  • High-end calligraphy pens or ink stamps carved with the baby’s name.
  • Ornamental eggs made of porcelain, crystal, or marble signifying new life.
  • Baby books with an inscription celebrating the 100th day.
  • Personalized albums featuring photos from the first 100 days.

Pampering New Parents

  • Luxury candles, oils, or spa baskets pampering new mom.
  • A plant representing ongoing health, growth, and renewal.
  • Donating to a children’s charity in the baby’s honor.

Milestone Memorabilia

  • Holiday or custom ornaments engraved with the baby’s name and 100 day date.
  • Gift cards for photography sessions to document the milestone.
  • Custom artwork or wall prints with the baby’s name and birthday details.

Remembering the Parents

While you’ll want to focus on gifts for the featured baby, the 100th day also symbolizes the parents successfully shepherding their newborn through the initial challenging phase of infanthood. Consider giving gifts addressing the parents’ needs and showing your ongoing support:

  • Meal delivery gift cards so they have some nights off from cooking.
  • A gift certificate for a postpartum doula to assist new moms recovering from childbirth.
  • Giving them a night off with baby-sitting.
  • Housecleaning services to lighten their load.
  • Spa packages for mom and dad to de-stress.

Homemade Gifts

If you’re crafty, homemade gifts like blankets, stuffed animals, or framed photos of the baby’s first 100 days have special sentimental value. The parents will appreciate you taking the time to create something unique.

Making Your Gift Special

Add personal touches to make your 100 day gift memorable:

  • Include a heartfelt card sharing your well-wishes for the baby’s future.
  • Handwrite any inscription in calligraphy for a luxury touch.
  • Have jewelry or keepsakes custom engraved with the baby’s name and 100 day date.
  • Wrap gifts beautifully or place in a decorative gift basket or box.
  • Give sentimental gifts like photo albums chronicling the baby’s first 100 days.
  • Make gifts if you’re crafty – engraved ornaments, quilts, stuffed animals, artwork etc.
  • Contribute to the baby’s college fund or savings account to make a lasting impact.

It’s the Thought That Counts

While giving 100 day gifts is a great chance to bless a new baby, the real importance is demonstrating love, support, and well-wishes for the child and parents. Don’t stress too much about spending a certain dollar amount. Whether you give a heartfelt card, homemade gift, or expensive jewelry, as long as you choose something with care, the parents will be touched by your gesture.

By joining in their beautiful 100th day celebration and honoring this important milestone, you let them know you share in their joy and want the best for their growing family. Your gift is simply an expression of your care.

We’d Love to Hear From You

We hope this article provided helpful guidelines on how to choose appropriate and thoughtful 100 day celebration gifts based on your relationship with the family. We aimed to take the stress out of gift-giving so you can simply focus on honoring this wonderful milestone. Let us know if you have any other questions or insights on giving gifts for a baby’s 100th day party. What are some of your favorite gifts you’ve given or been given to celebrate the 100 days? Do you agree with our advice? We’d love to hear your experiences and feedback in the comments below!

The editorial team at Modern Asian Family consists of parents who are passionate about sharing their Asian culture and heritage with their children in today's dynamic Western and Western-influenced societies. We believe it takes a village to raise kids in today’s complex world. By crowdsourcing wisdom, we not only educate our own families but lift up fellow parents along the way.

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