Settle this Debate: Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year?

By: Modern Asian Family
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Reading Time: 5 Minutes

Settle this debate Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year
lunar new year or chinese new year 1

Ever found yourself in a festive pickle, pondering whether it’s “Lunar New Year” or “Chinese New Year” you’re supposed to be celebrating? Worst, are you trying to wish a friend or colleague a happy new year, but you’re not sure if they’ll be offended if you accidentally said the wrong one?

No worries, we’ve all been there!

As a Chinese American, I grew up celebrating Chinese New Year, so I was used to wishing everyone I knew a Happy Chinese New Year. However, as I got older, my circle of friends became more diverse, and I learned about Lunar New Year.

So, What’s the Difference?

Lunar New Year refers to the new year celebration based on the lunar calendar, which is not exclusive to China. It’s a broader term that encompasses the new year celebrations of several East and Southeast Asian cultures. Chinese New Year specifically refers to the Lunar New Year as celebrated in Chinese culture. It includes traditions and customs unique to China, like the dragon dance, red envelopes (hóngbāo), and special foods. Chinese New Year is a significant cultural and festive event for Chinese communities around the world.

When Do I Say Lunar New Year or Chinese New Year?

When you’re referring to the celebration within the context of Chinese culture, it’s appropriate to say “Chinese New Year.” But if you’re speaking about the broader set of celebrations across different cultures that follow the lunar calendar, “Lunar New Year” is the more inclusive term.

That’s really all there is to it! For clarity, here is a quick decision chart for you to determine which phrasing is correct:

Is the person you’re speaking to Chinese?
Yes → “Happy Chinese New Year!”
No → “Happy Lunar New Year!”
I don’t know → “Happy Lunar New Year!”

For those who want to learn more about the differences and nuances between the two, I’ve got you as well!

Tell Me More – What is Lunar New Year?

Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival in some cultures, is a major holiday celebrated in several countries in East and Southeast Asia, as well as by communities around the world. It marks the beginning of a calendar year based on the cycles of the moon – the lunar calendar. Here are some key points about Lunar New Year:

  1. Calendar: Unlike the Gregorian calendar, which is solar and used widely around the world for civil purposes, the Lunar New Year is based on the lunar-solar calendar. The date varies each year but typically falls between January 21 and February 20.

    In 2024, Lunar New Year falls on February 10th. In 2025, it will be January 29th. In 2026, Lunar New Year will start on February 17th.

    Be sure to check the date each year!
  2. Cultural Significance: Lunar New Year is steeped in rich cultural traditions and customs. It’s a time for family reunions, honoring ancestors, and welcoming prosperity and good luck for the coming year.
  3. Traditions and Celebrations: These vary widely among different cultures. Common traditions include cleaning and decorating homes to sweep away bad fortune and make way for incoming good luck, preparing and sharing special meals, wearing new clothes, and giving red envelopes containing money for good luck.
  4. Different Names in Different Cultures: In China, it’s known as ‘Chinese New Year‘ or ‘Spring Festival.’ In Vietnam, it’s called ‘Tết,’ and in Korea, it’s celebrated as ‘Seollal.’ Each culture has its unique customs and practices for celebrating the new year.

    Note that other cultures also celebrate their own New Year that’s not based on the lunar calendar. For example, the traditional Thai New Year, known as “Songkran,” is a separate celebration and is held in April. Songkran is based on the solar calendar and is widely celebrated throughout Thailand with water festivals and other cultural activities.
  5. Public Celebrations: These often include lion and dragon dances, parades, lantern festivals, and various performances, all rich in cultural symbolism and history.
  6. A Time for Rest and Reflection: Many people take time off work to celebrate and spend time with family. It’s also a period of reflection, looking back at the past year and setting goals for the future.

Lunar New Year is not only a festive time but also a deeply meaningful period for millions of people, blending ancient customs with contemporary practices, and symbolizing renewal, hope, and the continuous flow of life.

What is Chinese New Year?

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most important traditional festival in Chinese culture, marking the start of the new year on the Chinese lunar calendar.

It’s a time of family reunions, feasting, and significant cultural rituals intended to usher in good fortune and prosperity for the coming year.

While Chinese New Year is part of the broader celebration of Lunar New Year observed across various Asian cultures, it specifically refers to the traditions and practices unique to Chinese culture, as opposed to Lunar New Year, which encompasses a wider range of Asian New Year celebrations based on the lunar calendar.

Comparing Lunar New Year and Chinese New Year

Lunar New YearChinese New Year
Cultural ScopeThis is a broader term that refers to the new year celebrations based on the lunar calendar, observed in various Asian cultures. Countries like Vietnam (celebrating Tết), South Korea (celebrating Seollal), and others have their unique traditions for this occasion.Specifically refers to the Lunar New Year as celebrated in Chinese culture. It includes traditions, myths, and customs that are unique to China.
Traditions and CustomsThe customs and traditions vary widely among different countries celebrating it. For instance, Korean Seollal involves paying respect to ancestors, and Vietnamese Tết has unique practices like preparing special holiday food.Characterized by specific customs like the dragon dance, the giving of red envelopes), and the Lantern Festival. It also includes particular myths like Nian, a beast from Chinese folklore.
Calendar SignificanceBoth celebrate the beginning of the year based on the lunar calendar, but the specific astrological and mythological interpretations can differ. For instance, the Chinese zodiac (Shengxiao) is a major part of Chinese New Year but not necessarily a component of Lunar New Year celebrations in other cultures.
Regional InfluenceCelebrated in various countries in East and Southeast Asia, each adding its cultural flair to the celebration.While celebrated globally, especially in regions with significant Chinese populations, it specifically reflects Chinese culture and heritage.
Public Perception and TerminologyA more inclusive term that acknowledges the diversity of celebrations across different cultures that follow the lunar calendar.Recognized internationally, but its use can sometimes incorrectly imply that the celebrations are exclusively Chinese, overlooking other cultures that observe the Lunar New Year

A Final Word on Terminology

In the tapestry of global celebrations, the distinction between “Lunar New Year” and “Chinese New Year” is more than a mere linguistic choice; it’s a reflection of cultural respect and understanding.

The terminology we use holds power, serving not only as a marker of identity but also as a bridge towards greater cultural awareness. When we distinguish between Lunar New Year—a term that encompasses a myriad of Asian cultures celebrating the new year based on the lunar calendar—and Chinese New Year, which specifically refers to the traditions and customs unique to Chinese heritage, we acknowledge and honor the rich diversity that exists within these celebrations.

This conscious use of language fosters inclusivity, showing sensitivity to the unique cultural practices and histories of different communities. In a world that’s increasingly interconnected, such inclusive language is key to promoting a deeper, more nuanced understanding of the world’s varied cultural landscapes. It’s a small but significant step towards embracing and celebrating the rich tapestry of human diversity that enriches our global community.

What Do You Think?

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The editorial team at Modern Asian Family consists of parents who are passionate about sharing their Asian culture and heritage with their children in today's dynamic Western and Western-influenced societies. We believe it takes a village to raise kids in today’s complex world. By crowdsourcing wisdom, we not only educate our own families but lift up fellow parents along the way.

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